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09 oktober 2024

Foggia, Italy

Field Service Engineer

Our local TOMRA Office is located in Parma and we are always looking for passionate individuals to join our organization. For this position we are specifically looking for a experienced Field Service Engineer around Rome.

09 oktober 2024

Naples, Italy

Field Service Engineer

Our local TOMRA Office is located in Parma and we are always looking for passionate individuals to join our organization. For this position we are specifically looking for a experienced Field Service Engineer around Rome.

09 oktober 2024

Pescara, Italy

Field Service Engineer

Our local TOMRA Office is located in Parma and we are always looking for passionate individuals to join our organization. For this position we are specifically looking for a experienced Field Service Engineer around Rome.

09 oktober 2024

Ancona, Italy

Field Service Engineer

Our local TOMRA Office is located in Parma and we are always looking for passionate individuals to join our organization. For this position we are specifically looking for a experienced Field Service Engineer around Rome.

09 oktober 2024

Perugia, Italy

Field Service Engineer

Our local TOMRA Office is located in Parma and we are always looking for passionate individuals to join our organization. For this position we are specifically looking for a experienced Field Service Engineer around Rome.

09 oktober 2024

Florence, Italy

Field Service Engineer

Our local TOMRA Office is located in Parma and we are always looking for passionate individuals to join our organization. For this position we are specifically looking for a experienced Field Service Engineer around Rome.

09 oktober 2024

Edenvale, South Africa

Field Service Technician

As an international Field Service Technician, you are part of a team responsible for Field Service work (commissioning, operation, testing, integration, optimization, maintenance and repair) worldwide.

08 oktober 2024

Ithaca, United States

Full Time Redemption Center Associate

Bottle and Can Retrieval Centers is recruiting for a Part Time Associate at our Ithaca, NY Location Full time starting at $19. 00 Per Hour Part Time starting at $17. 00 Per Hour Redemption Center Store Associates are responsible for assisting customers with their recyclable beverage containers.

08 oktober 2024

Senec, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Finančný kontrolór

Spolupráca s účtovníkmi hlavnej knihy, kontrola a analýza účtovných zápisov, dohľad nad rezervami, zásobami, dlhodobým majetkom a pracovným kapitálom. Príprava ad hoc analýz a finančných reportov pre manažment a odborná pomoc pri rozhodovaní.

08 oktober 2024

Senec, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Elektronický inžinier vo výrobe

•    Vykonávať priebežné testovanie a výstupnú kontrolu kvality produktov, •    uvoľňovať finálne produkty (stroje) na balenie, •    dodržiavať plán výroby a hlásiť identifikované riziká, •    vytvárať a udržiavať dokumentáciu (kontrolné


  • TOMRA employee clicking on reverse vending machine display
    TOMRA employee clicking on reverse vending machine display

    Teknologi og innovasjon

    Den første delen av å overvinne et problem handler om å skape en løsning. TOMRA ble grunnlagt for 50 år siden, og vi arbeider for å utvikle teknologiske løsninger som endrer hvordan vi innhenter, bruker og gjenbruker jordens ressurser.  
  • TOMRA employees talks at desk
    TOMRA employees talks at desk

    Programvare og digitale løsninger

    Bak enhver nyskapende løsning ligger programvaren som får den til å fungere. TOMRAs team av eksperter på programvare og digitale løsninger utvikler systemer og analyserer data for å sikre at løsningene våre fungerer best mulig.
  • TOMRA Recycling team tradeshow
    TOMRA Recycling team tradeshow

    Salg, service og prosjektledelse

    At TOMRA, our sales, service and project management team provide support to prospective and existing customers to ensure we deliver innovative solutions which optimize performance levels. We're passionate about making a difference and our brand, marketing and communications activity is a key component to getting our vision and values out there.
  • tomra plant production machines products
    tomra plant production machines products

    Produksjon og drift

    TOMRA's team of manufacturing and operations experts play an integral role in creating innovative solutions which transform how society can obtain, use and reuse our planet's natural resources.
  • TOMRA People and Organization team
    TOMRA People and Organization team

    Ledelse og forretningsstøtte

    I TOMRA er vi avhengige av ekspertisen til de som arbeider med støttefunksjonene våre. Uavhengig av hva som er spesialfeltet ditt, enten det er juridisk, personal (HR), økonomi eller administrasjon, er rollen din avgjørende for virksomheten vår når det gjelder å støtte, gi råd og, viktigst av alt, sørge for at medarbeiderne våre er så fornøyde, effektive og produktive som mulig i sine roller.
  • Service on TOMRA Reverse vending machine
    Service on TOMRA Reverse vending machine

    Kundeservice og serviceoperasjoner

    Kundefokus er en stor del av filosofien vår i TOMRA. Vi er alltid villige til å gjøre det lille ekstra for å overgå kundens forventninger.