TOMRA Talks on the future of recycling

During EuroShop 2020 in February, the world’s largest retail trade fair, TOMRA played host to TOMRA Talks: a series of lightning talks on the future of recycling. TOMRA experts and its external community of thought leaders and partners revealed industry insights and discussed innovations and learnings that make recycling a win for consumers, business and the environment.

The heads of TOMRA and TOMRA Collection Solutions, Stefan Ranstrand and Harald Henriksen, spoke on the positive impact of container recycling for people, planet and profit. They explored how business can work together for better environmental outcomes and the vital contribution of closed-loop recycling.
Clean Loop Recycling: Reimagining recycling together - TOMRA Talk: Harald Henriksen, EVP and head of TOMRA Collection Solutions, explores the rise of plastic and how society can gain the most value from it through Clean Loop Recycling
Working together to tackle plastic pollution for a better environment - TOMRA Talk: Stefan Ranstrand, President & CEO of TOMRA, explains how different stakeholders in the plastics value chain can collaborate for better environmental outcomes.
Speaking further about the environmental impact of beverage container recycling were eXXpedition co-founder Emily Penn and TOMRA circular economy advisor Kristine M. Berg. The world has truly woken up to the crisis of plastic waste, with plastic pollution high on the environmental agenda. The two shared their experiences on the eXXpedition mission researching and raising awareness of ocean plastic.
Navigating our way towards a plastic-free ocean - TOMRA Talk: Emily Penn, co-founder of eXXpedition, speaks at EuroShop 2020 on the ocean plastic mission that seeks to research and raise awareness of marine microplastics and pollution
Plastic pollution is everybody’s business - TOMRA Talk: Kristine Berg, circular economy advisor in TOMRA Collection Solutions, shares her experiences researching ocean plastic together with eXXpedition.
As well as the battle against plastic pollution, another mega-trend in plastic is the movement toward a circular economy and designing packaging materials to be truly ready for continuous resource in a closed loop. Clarissa Morawski, CEO of Reloop Platform, and Volker Rehrmann, head of Circular Economy at TOMRA, tackle the topics of circular packaging.
Gaining a competitive edge by embracing Circular Packaging and Extended Producer Responsibility - TOMRA Talk: Clarissa Morawski, CEO of Reloop Platform, introduces the opportunities and roles that lie in the future for retail as industry and legislation moves toward reusable and recyclable packaging.
What is a truly recyclable package? A circular economy perspective - TOMRA Talk: Volker Rehrmann, head of Circular Economy at TOMRA, discusses what makes packaging recyclable and how to design for recyclability toward a circular economy.
Even more changemakers and thought leaders joined us on stage from TOMRA’s community of partners. Ann Christin Håland from the Norwegian Red Cross and Lisa from Olav Thon Gruppen spoke on the humanitarian impact of reverse vending through The Recycling Lottery, and Manuel Tessloff from ReAct shared how retailers can benefit from digital collaboration and Internet of Things technologies.
<span style="color: rgb(83, 83, 83); font-family: &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">Ann Christin, project manager at Red Cross, and Lisa, business development at Olav Thon Gruppen, speak at EuroShop 2020 on the impact that the Recycling Lottery has on the fundraising and outreach work for the Norwegian Red Cross.</span>
Internet of Things and digital collaboration in the retail space - TOMRA Talk: Manuel Tessloff, CEO of ReAct, discusses at EuroShop 2020 their work to shape the digital retailer experience and ReAct's partnership with TOMRA.
Product managers from TOMRA Collection Solutions also took to the stage to share the value of bringing consumers a great recycling experience, through innovations in reverse vending machinery and attractive digital offerings.
The value of a revolutionary recycling experience - TOMRA Talk: Gudbrand Arnesen, product manager at TOMRA Collection Solutions, presents what consumers are seeking in a great recycling experience. This can help maximize returns, to make an impact on the growing demand for recycled plastic and the sustainability of the planet.
Creating great recycling experiences through digitalization - TOMRA Talk: Steve Mellbye-Stølen, product manager SaaS & Applications at TOMRA Collection Solutions, reveals how digital solutions give new opportunities for creating great consumer and customer recycling experiences.