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TOMRA publishes new eBook on the future of aluminum recycling

Leading global sorting solutions provider, TOMRA Recycling, has published a new eBook in the run-up to the ALUMINIUM Düsseldorf trade show which takes place from 8-10 October.

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AUTOSORT™ with GAINnext™

AI as a catalyst for material circularity

Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning are revolutionizing the recycling industry. They not only increase efficiency but also increase sorting granularity. Additionally, these technologies are unlocking completely new applications. Dr. Volker Rehrmann, our EVP and Head of TOMRA Recycling, discusses the potential of AI for our industry.

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TOMRA supports Henkel to optimize packaging for recycling

TOMRA supports Henkel to optimize packaging for recycling

Product manufacturers have a major role to play in the success of recycling. Both TOMRA and Henkel recognize this and are working together to test the consumer-goods producer's packaging for sortability, prior to market launch.

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