coffee being brewed into a reusable cup

Reusable takeaway packaging solutions

TOMRA Reuse provides a complete system and infrastructure for reusable takeaway packaging for cities, where different packaging providers can utilize the same shared collection and logistics infrastructure - reducing waste and optimizing resource usage in urban areas. We call this an open managed system (OMS) for reusable packaging.
Woman returning a REUSABLE cup at a collection machine in Aarhus Denmark

Our pilot project for reusable takeaway packaging in Aarhus, Denmark

The system now being trialed in Aarhus enables a shift from single-use takeaway packaging to reusable takeaway packaging, by offering an infrastructure that entire cities can use.
Read more about our project in Aarhus
Diagram of TOMRA Reuse system components

Components of TOMRA's reusable packaging system

Click on the plus-sign buttons in the diagram below for further information about each component.


TOMRA, or a designated partner, maintains the ordering and delivery system for the reusable packaging to retail outlets, as well as the collection of all returned items from the collection points.

Centralized cleaning and quality assurance

TOMRA, or a designated partner, is responsible for the sanitization and quality assurance of all the reusable packaging used in the system.

Automated collection points

The use of a shared infrastructure of automated collection points where reusable packaging from all participating providers can be returned 24/7 is the cornerstone of our city solution, offering user convenience for both consumers and retail partners alike.

Digital platform

Our secure digital platform serves as the clearing system for the financial incentive used to encourage the return of the reusable packaging; tracks the number of times each reusable packaging item is circulated, providing transparency on the environmental performance of the system; and prevents any attempts to cheat or abuse the financial return incentive, ensuring the overall integrity of the system.

Packaging pool

Each package in the system has a unique digital code that is activated for the financial return incentive when it is delivered to retailers. This is the basis of our open managed system (OMS) for reusable packaging -- the possibility for different packaging providers to use the same shared infrastructure for collecting the reusable packaging as long as the packaging has a unique id and the physical properties of the packaging comply with our system requirements.

Circulation fee

A circulation fee is added to each packaging item when it is ordered by retailers to offset the system costs associated with the solution.

Members of the TOMRA Reuse team pictured at the launch of the Aarhus pilot

About TOMRA Reuse

TOMRA Reuse leverages our reverse vending technology to create open managed systems and complete infrastructure for reusable takeaway packaging for cities around the world - reducing waste and optimizing resources in urban areas.
Read more about TOMRA Reuse

Latest news

Man in t-shirt outdoors with outstretched arm holding REUSEABLE glass
Feature article

First year anniversary of TOMRA Reuse pilot in Aarhus

One year in, the world’s first city-wide platform for reusable takeaway packaging in Aarhus, Denmark demonstrates that it is possible to combine convenience on the go with more circular practices. The most heavily circulated REUSEABLE cups have so far completed an impressive 33 loops of reuse.

Read more about the project one-year in
Consumer returning a reusable cup at a TOMRA collection point in Aarhus Denmark

TOMRA launches system for reusable takeaway packaging

A groundbreaking initiative for reusable takeaway packaging was launched on January 17, 2024 in Aarhus, Denmark.

Read more about the Aarhus pilot launch