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Analysts following TOMRA

To receive a detailed analysis of TOMRA's financial performance, you may
wish to contact one of the financial analysts who follow TOMRA on a
regular basis such as those provided in the list below.                           
ABG Sundal Collier Daniel Vårdal Haugland +47 22 01 61 75  
Arctic Securities Jeppe Baardseth +47 48 21 37 71
Barclays Gaurav Jain +44 020 3555 2501
Carnegie Fabian Jørgensen +47 46 84 57 33 
Danske Markets Elliott Jones +47 48 23 61 59
DNB Niclas Gehin +47 99 45 70 24
Handelsbanken Timo Heinonen +358 10 44 42 483
Jefferies Adela Dashian +46 8 505 246 24 
Jyske Bank Henrik Hallengreen Laustsen +45 89 89 18 31
Nordea Andreas Nygård +47 24 01 40 80
Pareto Securities Kari Eide Hartvedt +47 22 87 88 18
SEB Markus Heiberg +47 22 82 66 61
SpareBank 1 Markets Vetle Wilhelmsen +47 47 68 47 48